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How Service Based Businesses Benefit From Sending Weekly Newsletters to Their Target Audiences

Want your business to be the first thing people think about in the morning? If so, email marketing is the way to go with over 50 percent of consumers’ first action of the day being checking their email.

Why Are Weekly Newsletters Important?

Emails are the most direct way to reach an audience with thought leadership content and updates regarding your company. Sharing information through your website or on social media might not always be noticed, but with 99% of email users checking their inboxes every day (according to HubSpot), weekly newsletters are a great way to make your business seen directly in front of your ideal audience.

What Can Sending Weekly Newsletters Do for Your Business?

Weekly newsletters generate interest from those who have interacted with your business before. By sending updates about business activity or information content,  you are reminding customers and companies of the work you do while building thought leadership for your industry. Showcasing expertise through the sharing of knowledge helps your business establish its credibility and enhances what you already offer. Building this trust will encourage interaction and build potential clients’ confidence in your company. 

How Do I Write a Newsletter?

To begin the creation process, you need to first determine your content, asking yourself what you need to say as well as what readers want to know about. It is also important to use a call to action that will most encourage the desired outcome for each newsletter. Want a survey to be filled out? Or do you want to offer more information on the topic? Include that in your call to action so people can easily navigate away from the newsletter and to your form or website. 

Newsletters should be a healthy balance of informational and promotional. Data shows that interesting, hook-like, email subject lines are the ones that engage recipients’ curiosity as well as appeal to their interests. Starting off with an attention-grabbing subject line can hook your audience in. Keep them interested through valuable information they care about along with entertainment (like memes) to break it up. Include images and graphics along with mixes of bold and italic font for an easily scannable newsletter that highlights the most important information.

The best way to make a newsletter is to start it! Write a draft, edit, and repeat until satisfied with the content and flow.

What Content Should I Include?

Weekly newsletters could include a summarized article with a link to read the whole thing, announcements, pictures of your team and what they’ve been working on, informational or promotional content, business updates, or a mix of multiple. A few ideas include:

  • Weekly round-up of current trends in your industry

  • Promotional content for a recent blog your company posted

  • Announcing upcoming events being hosted or attended by your company

  • Sharing success stories and testimonials 

Recognizing timing is also important, with seasons and holidays changing how your audience might want to be approached and what content interests them. Newsletters can also appeal to those looking for work by attaching job links showcasing what positions are available.

How Can I Get Started?

Discover more about how weekly newsletters can transform your business (and how we can make them for you) during a Complimentary Consultation with Makin’ It Marketing today!


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